
Hurry, my Love!

Hasten, O Friend divine, to the city of Your presence. Though we have broken Your covenant, return in mercy to the temple of Your love. Fulfill the promise of deliverance. Renew Your city in joy. Make her an object of rejoicing once again.

Hasten, O Friend, to Your temple of peace. Though we have strayed from Your path, look upon us with favor and help a people afflicted and harassed. Make an end to anger. Shelter them beneath the wings of Your love.

Hasten, O Friend, to Your ancient habitation. Though we have been false to You, accept the plea stirring in our hearts. Lift us from the mire. Redeem the people you have guarded with tenderness, in this month of freedom as in days of old.

For the sake of the ancestors, deliver their children and their children's children.
Blessed are You, O L-RD, Redeemer of Yisrael.

excerpt from the B'rah Dodi - 11th century

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