
Shabbat chat (pt.3)

We have clearly seen from the first 2 parts of Shabbat chat that the Catholic Church, by its own admission, is completely responsible for attempting (and succeeding in the minds of many Gentile believers) to alter the scriptural day of rest and reverence to G-d from the seventh day of the week to the first. There is absolutely no scriptural basis and no precedent in the lives or teachings of Messiah Yeshua, the disciples, or apostles, for this change - quite the opposite, actually. This grossly, potent error was completely contrived by an organization (more accurately, a man - Constantine) seeking to bring more people into the Catholic (meaning: universal) fold by enabling them to retain their idolatrous practices (in this case, the worship of their gods, such as Sol Invictus, on the day of the sun - Sunday). This type of imagined authority still manifests itself in the Catholic Church today, but surprisingly, even more so in many types of Protestant churches. When many of today's churches are confronted by doctrinal (or social) issues that seem to threaten church growth (or the general acceptance of outsiders viewed as potential adherents), long-held beliefs are subject to immediate revision, or "modernization", in an attempt to make them more palatable to the party of interest. Nearly always, this happens at the expense of biblical truth. Most denominational fractures owe their occurrence to nothing more than this phenomenon - where centuries of errant teaching have caused many to soften in their convictions and compromise the Word of G-d at the first sign of tension, imagined or otherwise.
If only the followers of the Mashiach would follow Him - and not one another. If only they would understand that which is so plainly spoken of in Genesis 2 (verses 2-3). That being, Shabbat was established and sanctified by G-d, before there were nations, Israel or Torah!

By the seventh day G-d had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And G-d blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
Genesis 2:2-3

And if only they would understand that which is so plainly stated in Isaiah 66 (verses 22-23). That in the Age of Messiah, Ha Olam Haba, all men, all nations will be observing the days, times and seasons that our Creator intended us to - the Moedim, the days He instituted as special appointments on which He would meet with us to further reveal His plan, His holiness and ultimately, Himself to all men, His entire creation.

As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me," declares the L-RD, "so will your name and descendants endure. From one New Moon to another and from one Shabbat to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me," says the L-RD. Isaiah 66:22-23

How glorious - a family gathering that was planned thousands of years in advance! What's stopping you from participating right now?

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