
Durban III

I just had to share this tremendously important, and very well done, video rather than what I had planned for tonight. The information it contains is absolutely astonishing - and it's something of which we all need to be aware. It's basically a call to arms from the Israel Now campaign, which is spear-headed by the awesome Calev Myers, of the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, who I had the pleasure of meeting a few years ago when he spoke at our synagogue. The campaign seeks to raise awareness concerning the upcoming Durban III conference in New York. I needn't say much besides please watch the video - twice. The information moves so fast, you might miss just how serious all of this really is if you only watch it once. Whether you're planning to attend or not, please forward this video on to others. It just really needs to be seen.
Thanks guys. Leilah tov.

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