

Slichot (performed by Judith Ravitz, 1977)
Bata elai et einai lifko'ach.
Vegufcha li mabat
Vechalon ure'i.
Bata kelaila haba el ha'o'ach
Lehar'ot lo bachoshech et kawl hadvarim.
V'lamadeti: Shem
Lechawl ris vetziporen
Ulechawl sa'ara babasar hechasuf.
Verei'ach yaldut,
Rei'ach devek va'oren
Hu nicho'ach leilo shel haguf.
Im hayu inuyim -
Heim hifligu eilecha.
Mifrasi halavan el ha'ofel shelcha.
T'neini lalechet, ho t'neini lalechet
Lichro'a al chof has'licha. 

You came to me, to open my eyes.
To me your body was a view,
A window and a mirror.
You came as night comes to the owl
To show him, in the darkness, all things.
And I learned: There's a name
For each eyelash and fingernail,
And for every hair on the exposed flesh.
And the scent of childhood,
The scent of paste and pine,
Is the night aroma of the body.
If there were torments -
They've sailed towards you.
My white sail into your darkness.
Allow me to go, oh allow me to go
And kneel on the shore of forgiveness.

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