

Some of you may have noticed that I've been a little preoccupied recently. My posts have been a bit brief, but I've done my best to keep the conversation going. Behind the scenes, though, I've been wrestling with a few secret projects, so to speak. The first of which will see the light of day tomorrow evening, actually.

KOEOY Media is borne of my desire to see more creative presentations in Messianic Judaism. I'm very passionate about equipping others to be more effective in reaching the world with the truth of Yeshua Ha Mashiach. To do that exceedingly well, I believe we need two things; most importantly, we need accurate, life-changing teaching and, if possible, we should utilize the most creative means to present it. Now, I don't mean that every message or discussion needs to be a visual or aural assault, pummeling the senses into submission to Torah, if that were even possible. Or even that teaching should necessarily be confined to the walls of the synagogue. For example, while it would be great to have a tasteful looking print piece to give those that visit your congregation, how would you like an interesting desktop wallpaper, or a thought-provoking image for your iPhone - one your co-workers and friends would be inclined to ask you about? Some of the most amazing conversations can spring forth from things as simple as these.

I should say here that while I have quite a few ideas about various resources I could offer, and already have some stuff in the can, I very much want this to be an initiative empowered by our entire community. I'm going to start things off rather slowly, by some standards, but will be making different downloads available as they're requested and/or created. The remainder of this week and the beginning of next, G-d willing, will see merely the first phase of what this could be - but the future of it depends almost entirely on you, actually. I can't emphasize that enough. It's impossible to anticipate every ministry need out there. We each have our own unique way of reaching others - which is great. But, in the diversity of our endeavors, I will, more than likely, overlook a need very high on your list. In that event, all you have to do is mention it and we'll see what we can do to get things going.

Having said all that, what we're talking about here, at this stage, are downloadable graphics primarily - royalty free Messianic themed art you can use for whatever you like. There will be raster images at various resolutions, vector artwork to scale, files ready to be printed on shirts, stickers, handouts, etc. Everything will be free and you can mirror the download packets on your own site if you like. In fact, I would highly encourage that. I want as many people and congregations as possible to be able to take advantage of this opportunity. I'll get into more of the particulars of usage and stuff tomorrow evening. Until then, feel free to leave any suggestions, comments or questions below. It will help me get answers together for tomorrow's post.

I never intended the contribution of KOEOY to be just another person giving voice to their random thoughts. Since its inception, I wanted to create a place where I could interact and grow with others, but ultimately, somehow benefit the community at large. It's a lofty goal, I've been told - but I think I may have found a way to do just that.

Thanks so much for reading. I'll see you guys here tomorrow evening.


  1. Luke,

    I got a good idea for print on a T-Shirt:

    Front of the shirt: "Keep Torah?"

    Back: "I do"

    ha That would be neat. Is this around the lines of what your talking about?

  2. Well, yeah, more or less. But only one small aspect of it. People could contribute t-shirt ideas, concepts for book covers, ideas for their album artwork, requests for website headers and graphics, mail pieces, text for a pamphlet they may need designed, whatever they need created, basically, and I or others that get involved in that capacity could facilitate those requests - all in the name of putting a more cutting-edge, creative face on various presentations within Messianic Judaism. Does that make sense?

    I mean, it'll be a work-in-progress and I don't expect to revolutionize everything overnight, but I'm here and willing to help whoever needs it. I just want to see Yeshua displayed in new and innovative ways. I have to start somewhere and I firmly believe that many good things will come out of that determination.

  3. awesome Luke.
    i agree with what you've said and i know a ton of people that could use some newness in their visuals. hookups! i'll be back tomorrow.

  4. Hello, I'm wondering if you will offer designs for the iPad. I see the iPhone is mentioned and I'm thinking about how much larger the screen on the iPad is. Theyre very eye catching too. Either way thanks alot.

  5. Thanks Aaron!

    And Serge, yes. I wouldn't think of leaving the iPad out. In fact, as you'll later see, we'll start things off with some iPad wallpapers, actually. Great question. Thanks!

    See you guys later.

  6. love it!! i could definitely use a cool messianic desktop where i sit at work. i don't like that i'm out in the open but it wouldhave huge potential to start meaningful conversations. thanks for doing this. btw when time is evening for u?

  7. Hey, you're very welcome! Meaningful conversations are the whole idea, so welcome to the team! I should have things up around 7 or 8pm (EST) tonight.
